نوع فایل:power point قابل ویرایش 16 اسلاید قسمتی از اسلایدها: Meets Environmental Permit! Allows High Throughput Trouble Free Operation Robust Long Cycle Length Shell Claus Offgas Treatment (SCOT) Incinerator H2S to atmosphere Thermal Operation T = 600-800 °C Catalytic Operation T = 300 °C فهرست مطالب: Overview of Sulphur Recovery Processes Sulphur Recovery Process Sulphur Recovery Process Typical 2-stage Claus Unit Feed to SRU (typical refinery) Hydrocarbon Entrainment Degasser How to achieve 99,8+% overall Sulphur recovery. SCOT Process Why Low Temp Innovative SCOT SCOT Preheaters TAIL GAS TREATING PROCESS Definition of Successful Tail Gas Operation? Incinerator Overall SRU Reliability Factors (Case History) ...