نوع فایل power point   قابل ویرایش 16 اسلاید   قسمتی از اسلایدها Entry-level software development.  All development tools are free.  FPGA: XILINX WebPack ISE.  Embedded micro: Keil C compiler, code restricted to 4kB.  PC GUI: Shareware edition of BlackBox Component Builder. Expert-level software development.  All tools discounted for universities. FPGA. VHDL tools: XILINX ISE, full version. Graphical tools: MatLab and XILINX System Generator.  Embedded micro: Keil C compiler, full version.  PC GUI: Full edition of BlackBox Component Builder. What is the advantage of the FPGA over a classic processor? FPGA is highly parallel, hence better performance. Data processing can be pipelined. FPGA becomes an application-specific “custom processor”. More I/O lines than any processor -> wide data paths. What is the disadvantage? More tedious and error prone. O ...